Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Marmalady made me a CAKE!

OOOH, I may live in a small village but I am surrounded by talented folk! One such person is the lovely Loren Brand - aka Marmalady - who not only has trained at Duncan of Jordanstone to be an illustrator but is busy trying to set up her business as a cake baker extraordinaire. She visited me during Open studios and when I heard she could bake a mean cake, I asked her to create a cup cake special for my "40 and a Bit" Birthday BBQ. Isn't it fab?
The flavours for the grown-ups were gin & tonic, margarita, strawberry daquiri and my favourite liquer, frangelico. The big ladybird on the top was a yummy vanilla sponge especially for the kiddies.
Want a cake ?- ask Marmalady!


Paul Bommer said...

That is some cake!
Lovely. Hope you had a great day.
Paul x

Sarah J Coleman said...

She would be my first choice if I lived in the East Neuk! Such colour! All that icing! And Frangelico....mmmmm. A woman after my own marge-and-icing-sugar-coated heart.

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